The Periodical 1934
Craigie and Onions’s Supplement was published in November 1933. Pages 1-26 of the March 1934 issue of The Periodical were devoted to commemoration of the event and are reproduced below.
The issue begins with a recapitulation of the history of the making of the OED, moving to a specific account of the Supplement at p. 9. The new Supplement’s Preface is quoted pp. 10-11 and specimen words from its contents noted pp. 12-14. Transcripts of the speeches begin on p. 16: firstly Lord Queensborough, host of the occasion as Prime Warden of the Goldsmiths Company, followed by the brilliantly witty President of Magdalen College, G. S. Gordon, just elected President of Poetry at the university, a long-time supporter of the OED and also close friend to the Secretary to the Press, R. W. Chambers (pp. 17-23). Craigie’s response begins at p. 24.

The Supplement

Supplement preface

Specimen words

Speeches: Lord Queensborough



Last updated on 29 January 2019