
Examining the OED was inspired by Jürgen Schäfer’s Documentation in the ‘OED’ (Oxford, 1980). Its main analyses have been carried out using the search facilities available at different times at, published by Oxford University Press, where more information about the OED may be found.

Over 2009 the project was supported by a Leverhulme Research Fellowship for the author, Charlotte Brewer, to investigate the OED’s treatment of 18th-century quotation sources. EOED has also been funded by grants from the Faculty of English at Oxford University (most recently, to fund the complete re-design and re-launch of the website in 2019), Oxford’s John Fell fund, and the Dictionary Society of North America (a Laurence Urdang-DSNA award). The Arts and Humanities Research Council enabled completion of Brewer’s related book on the history of the OED, Treasure-house of the Language: the Living OED (Yale University Press, 2007). All these funding sources are gratefully acknowledged.

Thanks are due to the Secretary to the Delegates of Oxford University Press for permission to consult and quote from the OED archives and to reproduce many documents and photos; in this respect and others Beverley McCulloch (formerly Hunt), Archivist to OEDhas been indefatigably helpful, as has Martin Maw, Archivist to the Press. Other images and/or references on the site are either reproduced from publicly available sources (as individually credited) or with permission; in the latter respect we thank Cambridge University Library, Girton College Cambridge, Peter Glare, Roland Hall, King’s College London, Oswyn Murray, and Celia Sisam.

OED3’s former Chief Editor John Simpson offered many suggestions and helpful advice in the early days of the project, while Associate Editor Peter Gilliver has been an unfailing source of information on all matters relating to the history of the OED.

Since 2004 many other individuals have generously supplied help on a range of matters, both large and small: Michael Adams, Tony Augarde, Tony Bennell, John Considine, David Ford, Rowena Fowler, Jonathon Green, Roland Hall, Alan Hughes, Beverley Hunt, Greg Jennings, Elizabeth Knowles, James McCracken, Sandy Malcolm, Oswyn Murray, Robert C. Ross, Luanne von Schneidemesser, Penny Silva, R. Stewart, Edmund Weiner, Henry Woudhuysen.

Former Oxford graduate and undergraduate research assistants are all warmly thanked: Helen Brookman (Who’s who pages), Daniel Calvert and Sarah McLoughlin (database searches), and Scott Teal (contribution to several different aspects of the project). Many thanks also to current D.Phil student Stephen Turton for his invaluable work updating and formatting the bibliography and re-editing the Who’s who pages for the new website.

In particular, EOED could not exist in either its previous or present form without the help of Christopher Whalen, who established and contributed to the project’s database and created both websites.

All responsibility for material published on this site is that of the author, Charlotte Brewer.

Last updated on 5 October 2019